bunker0621 was a temporary collaboration with Nickie Sigurdsson and Viktor Nyström. From October 2014 til Juli 2015, we hosted a series of events in a deserted, underground bunker in the forest of Amsterdam. The titles were Spriritual Bunker, The Rite of Spring, Pt.1 and 2, Outsourced bunker0621: buffering und The Breath Of  Tourists Caused Mold To Grow On The Walls. bunker0621 was a curatorial lab that offered the possibility to explore the making of events and exhibitions. These always collaborative events, ranging from clandestine gathering, workshop, groupshow, punkconcert to opera performance or experimental bar, should re-evaluate the possibilities of a conventional art(ist run) space, a soft-rebellion against institutionalized routine. We tried to create an atmosphere and provide different elements that could potentially make for an interesting collective experience, rather than plan meticulously what we wanted to achieve with every event. By using the restrictions and unique character of the space as a frame, we transformed it into a brand. This resulted in a fluctuating identity of the space, aiming at representing the spirit of each individual event theme much more than a defined idea of bunker0621. By keeping this identity very flexible, partly mocking and mimicking corporate identity strategies and subverting them for our context, but also testing more unconventional methods, we created a possibility for us to wildly experiment and to quickly manifest ideas.